In this life you are considered to be lucky and very blessed to find a person who loves you for being well you. Well I am
REALLY blessed because I found not one but four people who love me for being perfectly unperfect.
Nataly and
Gabe, the loves of my life. God only knows what I be without them. They are not only my cousins and nephew but my best friends. I love them all so much.
The Fantabulous 5 (I love the name Nat).
Lord knows we are a mess. We are silly and loud and everywhere, but over all we are a bunch of fun. I have no idea how we do it, but we turn the most simple thing, like going to the movies into an adventure that we end up talking about for days. We cry (alot), fight ( not so much) and most of all laugh...oh lord do we laugh. Everything and anything becomes a joke, but yet at the same time we know when it is time to put the joking aside and get down to business.
I love that about us. We dont take ourselves or anything to serious. I also love how we stick together no matter what. Nada comes between us. It's so amazing to wake up every morning and know that they are people out there who love and support you no matter what.
Caro...I love our parking lot conversations, I always learn so much from our conversations and because of that I end up being a better person. I love how you are always so damn positive, even when you think that you are not. You are always reminding me that things do get better, sometimes you just have to wait. Thanks for waiting with me.
Joey, Joey, Joey...I dont even know where you get half the shit you say, but damn do you make me laugh. I am so damn proud of you for overcoming everything you have, and still having such a beautiful outlook on life. Without even knowing it you give me strength on those days when it all gets to be to much. Now don't let all that go to your head Joe, I still hate you :)
Nataly, I love that you love so freely. You put yourself out there whether people like it or not. You always do you, and I love that about you. You don't change for anyone. You keep me from becoming the old BITTER lady with 50 You remind me that there is always hope.
Gabe, El know i had to call you that). Your like my own bodyguard always having my back even when I dont want you too. Always looking out for me(and the others). Always making me laugh with all the stupid shit you say. When we put you and Joe together, forget it I cry from how hard I am laughing. Thanks for always listening and calling me on my
These lyrics keep playing over and over in my mind when I think about the Fantabulous 5:
Without You The Moon Glows The River Flows But I Die Without You
I guess what I am trying to say is that
I LOVE YOU all so much and
coming along on this journey called life...
I can't think of anyone else I would rather share it with.