Wednesday, November 30, 2005

May I Recommend: Movie Edition

So last night I went to the movies with Nataly and saw Walk the Line, the Johnny Cash biopic starring Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon. We had originaly planned on seeing Harry Potter but we were late for that showing. So we saw Walk the Line instead. If that movie wasn't on your to-watch list, I encourage you to add it.

I had never heard a Johnny Cash song in my life before, and I ended up loving the movie. This movie was about the relationship between Johnny and his wife, June Carter Cash, and how they came to be as in love as they were. It's a love story, but it's one that both men and women can enjoy, being at times heartwarming and at other times funny.

The movie was released last weekend, and already the buzz is all about Oscar. Joaquin is being talked about for his work, and I have to admit he did a fantastic job. He seemed to really nail Cash's struggle between his dark feelings of guilt and remorse, and his love for June. Whatever Joaquin's formula was, it worked for him. He perfectly conveyed Cash's angst through his music.

The other notable performance belongs to Reese Witherspoon. I know that some people were somewhat sceptical of her ability to carry off this role, but let me tell you that she did so masterfully, even learning the plectrum to lend credibility to her performance.

An Oscar nom is all but guaranteed for her, but I'm not sure that she'll be able beat out Zhang Ziyi once Memoirs of a Geisha finally hits theaters (not nearly soon enough). I loved Reese's performance, and she deserves to win based solely on the fact that this role was such a departure from her usual fare.

An other notable preformance was by Ginnifer Goodwin who played Vivian, Johhny's first wife. You may remember Ginny from Win a Date with Tad Hamilton! and Mona Lisa Smile. This woman deserves an Oscar as well, and once you see her fight with, love and cry over Cash, you feel terrible for this woman. It's harder than it sounds, because John and June were truly soulmates, and Vivian was quite nasty when she felt like it. Still, what could have easily become a bit part in a movie about two lovers was given the depth and emotion it deserved. Other Oscar noms could be garnered for Direction, for James Mangold, and costumes. On the whole, this was an excellent film.

To end this post here is a pic of Reese and Joaquin as Johnny and June.


Elle J said...

I may just have to add this to my list if you suggest... I'm screnning Geisha this Wednesday.. cannot wait. I'll tell you all about it.

SuzLue said...

Thanks Karla, I've been on the fence with this one, but looks like one not to miss. I'll check it out now for sure!

Yea, I can't wait for Geisha to come out. That looks awesome!

Priscilla said...

The movie sounds really good..I shall check it out. Thanks!
I can't wait for Memoirs of a Geisha to come out. The last movie I saw was In her Shoes, made me cry...

Karla said...

Elle: I am jealous i want to see Geisha soooooooo bad. You are going to have to tell me about it.

Suezette: I was on the fence about this one as well. So let me know what you think.

Priscilla: Welcome to my blog! I wanted to see In Her Shoes. I loved the book and i wanted to see the movie so bad but i could not find anyone to go with me. I am glad to hear that it was good, now i can't wait for it to come out on DVD.

Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

Hi Karla!!

I'm stopping by and saying "hi" to everyone on my blog list today.

Stay warm!

Desiree said...

I loved this movie...I wanna watch it again! I also watched freakin' Derailed, which just freaked me out. I'm not a big fan of Thrillers - I dont want to give the movie away though...Anyway, hope every thing is good with you!

CubanDiva said...

I am on vacation this week so I will go see that movie. I am anxiously awaiting "...Geisha". I read the book when it first came out and I thought about how it needed to be made into a movie. I am a little pissed they picked Chinese actresses instead of Japanese but oh well.