Thursday, January 25, 2007

Nadie Dijo Que La Vida Es Facil, Pero Dejame Vivir

It's been a bad week.

A really bad week.

Don't get me wrong most things are still good. This is going to sound childish but what the hell, I need to vent. That is why I have this blog no? Anyways everyday for the last two months I have been accused of being or doing just about everything. I have been called ever name in the book (In English and Shit I think I have been called a few that are not even in the book. At first it was funny. I laughed it off when one of my aunts or my mom would ask me if some rumor about me or one of my cousins was true. I have to admit some of them where good, that is what made them funny. By the second week it was annoying. Two months later it is pissing me off.

I am sick of being second guessed. I am tired of people who should know better, who know me better listening to and even worse believing these rumors. I am tired of defending myself. It gets old when you have to do it every day. Some time more then once.

On top of that things at work went down hill this week.

I am just sick of people.

Shit, I need a vacation. I need to go somewhere warm. Away from snow.

I am sick of snow.

Ok, I am done venting now. I am going to take my grumpy self to bed.

By the way this is my 300th post. Yay!

1 comment:

Desiree said...

I'm sorry girl. I hate when people do that to me too. = /
Hope you're cheered up by now. Maybe you should take a vacation...
