Friday, July 15, 2005

Is it just me...

Or does anyone else feel like attacking her with a cheeseburger, some fries and a milkshake?
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I mean really chica eat something...anything just eat.


Caro said...

karla, tomorrow, i'm taking a picture in that exact pose and posting it.

i like ot to eat. she doesnt. we'll compare!!

well...we all know what happens when you and i try to beat her with a cheesbuger, fries, and malted milk shake.......lovers, amores, and we get our own hands on the lifetime sized monopoly board and have a roaring good time....good ol' trips to Village Inn, never fails, even without matty, mario,jeff, nad the girl that doesnt know how to wipe down a counter.


JStressman said...

I love it when people delete comments off their blogs that don't agree with their views. ;-)

Really says something about that person. ;-)