Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Fall Teasers

Even though most of the trees here are still a shiny bright green. Some of the trees in the mountains have already started to change color. I thought i would post a few pictures of what is in store for us while at the same time showing you what fall looks like Colorado.

A look at the mountains.

Aspen leaves in the river after it rained.

"The Devil's Staircase" Legend says that the devil used them to visit the earth and plan his take-over. When God found out his plan, he banished him from the earth, but his staircase remains.

And last but not least my favorite picture. A beautiful view at the mountains.

It is views like these that make my so happy to live in Colorado.


shaggy said...

Beautiful pictures. Nothing like that to look at around here. I'm not ready for fall. And I don't like snow. Not sure how I ended up at your blog, but its pretty cool. I'll be back again.

Karla said...

Hey Shaggy, Thanks for stopping by. I love fall so i am ready for it. I actually like snow but i HATE driving in it.

shaggy said...

Fall is okay, but I still like summer better. Except for the 90 degree days, which we got more than our usual share of this year. I don't like driving in snow either.

Karla said...

Irene: Caro tells me that we have a lot in common. I guess i can add this to the list. I agree places are so much cooler when they have a hint of mythology built up around them.

Tannia: You should see it in real life. When you are standing on top of a mountain and when you look around this is what you see, then it is truly breathtaking.

Shaggy: I can also do with out the 90 degree weather.

Caro said...


you're sp pissed, so you look at peaceful pictures and rainbows....=)

<3 you SO fucking much.

Karla said...

Caro: LOL, I was pissed i had to do something to calm down.

Irene: CoƱdo Anne is asking for a good ol' fashion New York beat down.

Envizable: Fall is also my favorite and i love everything about it.

Wow it is a small world.

The Grouchy One said...


Okay Okay... *shrug*... even this island girl admits fall IS beautiful. Thanks for sharing, they are great pics ;)

~^^~L*C~^^~ said...

Karla: You took those photos yourself?

You have a natural eye - speaking of photography here.

I like Fall, too but Spring is my favorite season. I'm all for new beginnings though, so I'm inviting Fall this way so I can cool off from this TX heat!

Reese The Law Girl said...

Awww, I miss fall. Thanx for the pix, Karla. :)