Monday, September 26, 2005

The people at our side

Last night i hung out with two of my childhood friends. Karina and Angie, I have not seen those girls in a long time. So it was nice to be able to hang out and catch up. After i got home i found this, I loved it and thought i would share it with you guys.

We will encounter many different people throughout our lives. Some people we will like. Some we will not. Some will stay in our memories forever. Some will pass right on through. Many will become our friends. They will be the people who share our feelings and our sense of humor. They will be the people we confide in and rely upon. For our relationship to truly endure, we will mean to our friends what they mean to us.

The follwing line is my favorite:

Our friends accept us as we are yet help us to be as we should. Such is the beauty, and responsibility, of true friendship.


Karla said...

Irene: Well said.

Joanne said...

Beautiful chica! Thanks so much for sharing it!

eyes- LOVE what you said! How poetic and how true!

Caro said...

lol.....irene...thanks for bottled up the entirety of our conversation [excluding all the "she's useless" stuff].

i mentioned our theory of the tryptch in envizable's blog a few weeks ago.....yeah...we're pretty much cool.

<3 yo always.