Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Pulling a Caro

This post is going to be totally random. I have a few thoughts running through my mind right now and i just need to get them out.

I totally forgot that Sunday was my goddaughters 2nd birthday. Coño!

Before we found out that my grandmother had lung cancer i had bought her a rosary, but since she left for D.R. shortly after that i was never able to give it to her. My uncle and aunt went to D.R. last week, and i was finally able to send it to her with them. They returned on Sunday night and my aunt handed me a black bag. " Your grandmother sent you this." She said. I opened it to find a ball of cheese inside, it was my abuelas way of saying "Thank You"." When your abuela saw that rosary her whole face lit up she was so happy, it made her day" my aunt told me. It took everything i had not to cry.

WTF is going on? It is not enough that my grandmother is sick but now my grandfather as well. Can we please get a break, please. First my grandmother and then my aunt and now my grandfather. I mean damn.

I am tired of people ragging on teachers. Some people think that all teachers do is teach kids how to read, write and figuer out math problems. Oh and grade papers. Yes that is part of what they do but unless you are a teacher you have NO IDEA what a teacher goes through each and every single day. Don't fucking tell me i have an EASY job. If it so fucking easy i would love to see you do it for a day.

I would love to see you teach 30 to 35 students who don't give a fuck about what you are teaching. I would love to see you take insults and death threats from students and parents. I would love to see the look on your face when the police walks into your classroom to arrest one of your students. I would love to see you call social services or a safehouse while you try to comfort a fearful, crying child and mother. I would love to see how you handle having to pay for half of the supplies in your classroom with your own money because there is NO money in the district for supplies. I would love to see the look on your face when you receive your paycheck.

I would like to see you tell a student " no" when they ask you to come to their game, concert, play, birthday party, etc and watch the look of disappointment cross their face as yet another adult let's them down. I would love to see if you would get up and go out at 2:00 in the morning when a parent or student calls you for help.

That is just a glimpse at what some teachers have to deal with. Does this happen everywhere and all the time? No, but it does happen. There are a lot of good teachers out there but yet you never hear about them.

Ok, I feel better. Sorry about that but i had to vent.

Ah there was some other stuff i was going to write about but my rant about teachrs tired me out. :)


Caro said...

hehe. "pulling a caro"=having random train sof thought...how comforting.

yay! mama cheese! getting her a rosary was wonderful.

i want mama cheese, bah!

<3 you.

Karla said...

he he yup i was pulling a caro.

Dude mamá is trying to kill me, i tell you she is.

i would send you some cheese pero ummm i am afraid it will um not be good by the time it gets there. So i will eat a slice in your name.

<3 you.