Tuesday, February 01, 2005


So yesterday I had the WORSE migraine and I had to go home sick from work. I went home and I went to sleep. I woke up and it was 5 in the afternoon so I ate some soup and then I went back to bed. I woke up this morning feeling better even my cold is better.

Today I am going to go back to Target and see if they have a jump rope any jump rope will do. I need to get rid of my belly if I do that I will be happy. I love my big butt and thick thighs, I don't want to lose those but I would like to have a flat belly.

I am disappointed in myself this weekend my cousin Raquel came by and she looks great she has lost a lot of weight. My mom said "did you see Raquel?" and I said "yes she looks good" and then she made an other comment which I can't remember now but I do remember that it made me mad and I turned on Raquel I said " Yeah well she is taking weight lost pills and who know what that is doing to her body." Right after the words came out of my mouth I felt disappointed in myself. The fact that I turned on her like that ay what is wrong with me?

1 comment:

Caro said...

ay dios...weightloss is too much.

even though you may have "turned on her"....it doesnt excuse that fact that she's taking diet pills that could be killing er heart, liver, and/or kidneys.

i'm sorry, pero.....i dont think she looks good if she's desrtoying her insides..i dont want anything to happen to her.