Thursday, March 03, 2005

Quick Entry

I thought i write a quick entry to let everyone know how i am doing. So far so good. I have been drink lots and lots of water and trying to eat more fruit and veggies. It has been 2 weeks now since i last ate at Chipotle. No i did not go on Monday instead i went to Subway and had a nice turkey sandwich.

I have been doing light exercise nothing major but soon i am going to have to go back to hard core workouts. The other day i was looking at how my progress or i should say lack of i have been going to WW for 8 months now and during those 8 month all i have been able to lose is 6 lbs....6 lbs that is it.

The two ladies that i sit with there have lost more than me one had lost 32 lbs and the other 50 lbs and they start at the same time that i did. So it makes me wonder what i am doing wrong. I don't know what to do anymore. I have been eating healthy and watching my portion size and it seems to me like i am not losing anything. I know that i have lost inchs but it just seems to me like it is taking me forever.

I don't expect to lose a ton of weight over night but i would like to see some kind of result to keep me motivated. Right now i need some motivation. I am not ready to quit or give in but i need something to keep me going. So ladies i could use your words of encouragement today.


Desiree said...

Karla!! I'm going to throw rocks at you! Come on girl, youre doing good, just keep it going. Have you thought of talking to the WW rep just so they can maybe tell you if you're doing anything wrong? I also was going to say, since you are exercising that may be why it SEEMS you are not losing, but you are - you're just developing more muscle mass.
This coming from the procrastinator that STILL hasn't started her diet...But you are my example Karla! Keep going, you ARE doing good. Youre changing bad habits, your losing slow. Thats what counts.
Tu prima de...uh...internet. ;)

Karla said...

Desiree- I know, I know...I think i am going to throw rocks at myself.

Laura- Thank You for your advise and yes i have heard it before but sometimes it's nice to be reminded of it.

Caro said...

first off are amazing for stixcking with it andyo've lost weight and kept it off that's what matters!!!

second off....guess what i learned in advanced phyisology this term? how to lose weight! lol

so i have this formula that using your weight, height, sex, and age will caluclate how many calories is needed to keep you body functioning at a basal level (like just bare-bones functioning) then i have a chart that tells me how many calories areburned by doing like EVERYthing.....driving, sleeping, walking (just like from place to place), it's that 2000 calorie bulshit that people tell you, btw.
then i learned that, (i kind of knew this already, but it's cool that it was from some science articles).... in order to lose weight, healthily, while training your body (mostly cardiovascular system and muscles), you must exercise for 40min-60min at 70% max heart rate (your max heart rate is 220 minus your age). 70% of your maz heart rate is also known as "conversational exercise"because while doing so you should be able to keep up a conversation, so you're not over-working yourself (bascially excatly what we were doing this summer).
love you!
keep it up, you know it's long as you're notkilling yourself andbeing smart about it, you know i'm backing you.