Thursday, May 12, 2005

Taking a Break

So i am going to take a break from this whole weight lost thing for a while. Lately i have become so frustrated with the whole thing. Here it is almost a whole year of working out and eating right and i still have not lost weight. Well i should not say that i did manage to lose six pounds but depending on the week those six pounds seem to come back. I am tired of yo-yoing and i just feel like i need to take a step back and re-evaluate the situation.


Desiree said...

Oh Karla, Im sorry hon, I know how you feel. Kind of. I dont have as much determination as you. In the last year I've maybe gained 15lbs. I've only been inconsistant with my dieting and exercising. Now, since my birthday, end of March, I have been pretty consistent w/ the running, and cut off soda (even diet) entirely and only drink water or unsweetened tea...even take a bread off my chicken sandwhiches. I sub a side salad for fries, all that kinda stuff. I am a junkfood junkie, so this is hard! I was a dr. pepper addict too! Anyway, since end of march, only lost about 6 lbs, and believe me girl, you cant even TELL! Still have a fat face! :( Just saying, ya re-evaluate, but dont give up, you motivated me to start my weight loss adventure! Come on girl! Maybe talk to the WW people and ask them whats up? Dont give up though! All us sucias looking up to will have no one to look up to! :)
Ok....I"m nutty. Way too much coffee I think.

Karla said...

Desiree: Thank You so much for your comment it really meant a lot to me. Chica you are looking at the queen of junkfood junkie's. So i know how hard it is to break or change old habits.

Ah isn't Dr. Pepper evil? I was addicted to that stuff as well.

I have talked to the people at WW before and they are just as lost as me as to why i am not losing any weight.

I am not planning on giving up i just need to take a break and re-evaluate the whole situation because it is becoming really frustrating for me.

I watch what i eat and i work out and i still have not lost any weight. So i think that i need to step back and then try again in a few days/weeks. You know just start over. A fresh start.

Aww thanks for saying that i was motivation for you and the sucias sometime i wonder if i am a good role model but hey i am human we all make mistakes. :)

Caro said...

karlita, when i get home do want to start over again with me perhaps?

i've been lazy and haven tbeen doing much, you cant tell that i've gained weight, but i feel like i have...i refuse to weigh myself because i dont believe in that....i simpy have too much muscle for weighing myself to be effective or worthwhile.

you know i love you and think you're perfect the way you are, if you feel like you need to take a break, then go ahead and do so, jus know that i'll be here to help you figure out what's up and ultimately get back on the horse again.

i'm hoping my ipod will help motivate me to get further in shape......there's a dance school down the street form my house, i'm going to go down there and see what kind of sclasses they offer and how stict they are, because if i could a jazz class barefoo, then i'll have fun and do something.

i'm really worried about myself this summer because i dont want to become lethargic.

i dont believe in dieting, i inherited that from my father, i think it really only contributes to the yo-yo effect that is so devastating. i eat whatever i want when i want to then deal wiht the consequences, i'm relying on my metabolism and that i find some sort of burst of activity...i'm not a skinny size 4 caro, but i'm happy and feel good, so bleh......and my godness! give up soda! never! diet coke is my addiction and i wont let go!

i love you lots and will help you in whatever you decide to do, you know it.

desiree, you know i think you look fabulous, though whatever works to make you happy and feel good about yourself.

i'm rambling so i'm done.


Karla said...

Carito: Did i ever tell you how blessed i am to have you as my prima? No well i am. Having you as my prima and bff has been good not only for my self-esteem and ego but also for my soul.

Just when I am down and out you always seem to come along and say or do something to pick me up and remind me of just how much of dork i am (in a good way).

Of course i will start over with you again. I agree with you about not dieting and i think that might be the problem. Since i was dieting my body flipped out on me.

i have noticed that one the weeks that i eat whatever i want and exercise i some how lost weight, but then on the weeks i eat right and exercise i gain weight. WTF???Yeah i know it's weird.

As a side note i am glad that we were FINALLY able to talk last night i miss our conversations. Oh and Evade is an idiot but you already knew that.

I also heart you just the way you are and will back you up with whatever it is you choice to do.

Desiree: Yay on losing six pounds and you do not have a "fat face" chica. Also i think we all have had to much coffee because we are all writing loooonnnng comments.
Ok i am done i promise.

Desiree said...

Awww - are we uh, like having a family moment? hehehe Kidding, I know, I ain't blood. YES I DO HAVE A FAT FACE KARLA! Look at my pic! I have a FAT face. Double chin. for real. I only have that pic on my blog cause its at an angle that kind of hides the double chin. FOR REAL!
Whats up with our NY trip? and I hope youre also saving for an L.A. trip, cause uh, hellooooo, Caro will be here soon! yay!

Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

Des: Being a Fathead is not the same as having a fat face!

Karla: If you've been working out, should remember that muscle weighs MORE than fat. Don't always go by your scale. You can lose 1lb of fat and gain 2lbs of muscle and going by the scale you'll think you've gained a bunch of fat. Some of it can be muscle, so don't be so hard on yourself, keep trying! :)

Karla said...

J: ha ha Des but that was funny.

Desiree: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? You do not have a double chin. Of course you are part of the family just because we are not related by blood does not mean that you are not family. You are our primita and that is final.
Like Janette said Are we looking at the same pic?

On the NYC trip ay chica i don't know. Last month was a hard month for me so i am working my butt off to chace up.

ok back to J: I know the muscle weighs more then fat that is what i tell myself every time i have to weigh in. :) but i really don't see a difference it is really weird.

Janette: Good luck with the whole gym thing. I am not brave enought to step in to a gym. I become sooo self-concies when i am in a gym with all those barbies and muscle men.

Caro said...


i know you girls are not planning an nyc trip without me! hmmph! i see how it is!

Desiree said...

Uh, its all about ANGLE girl. I angle my face to hide the double chin....Do you have myspace karla? my fat face is on there!

Desiree said...

Caro, No you're supposed to go to, duh!

What the heck happened with the Spain trip?

Karla said...

Des: Yup i have a myspace. I am such an online (i think) is still going to Europe with one of her friends. I won't be able to go. So if she goes she is going to have to have fun for me as well.

Tannia: oh thank you for your comments. You are so sweet. I always miss Oprah because of work, but i will go and check her web site and see what it says. Thanks for the suggestions. I will look in to them.

Caro: Duh i forgot what i was going to say. I will get back to you on that one. ;)

Mon: I am sorry that SBD did not work for you. I am starting to feel the same way about WW. I think i might just quite that program and do my own thing.

Hey i do the same things as you. I always take the stairs at work and i try to park my car as far away from the entrence as possible so that way i get some more steps in.

Oh i wish i could eat 4-6 cups of veggies but i don't know if i could do that.

CubanDiva said...

I feel your pain. I thought by having chemo I would lose a lot of weight but I have gained 50 pounds. Weight loss is a long and painful process. Sometimes you have to take a break and start from scratch. Also sometimes your body reaches a plateau and it won't "let go" of the weight.
Keep trying! You can do it!!

Caro said...

you're my cousin and my best friend and i love you and i miss you terribly.

Sharon Rossman said...

Hey all! I feel everyone's comments were heartleft and I know how it feels. I have been on the Weight Watchers core program for a few months now and have lost over 10lbs. You really get a lot of support being part of that, and they have programs to suit your needs. I am a huge overeater so I don't diet, I just don't eat certain foods and make sure I get lots of exercise. For example, I trade white rice for whole grain, cut out the bread and empty carbs, and eats tons of fruit. Its actually not restrictive at all, and when I do eat foods that aren't part of the plan, I find myself feeling sluggish so I dont miss those foods anyways. I hope that helps, and I wish you lots of good luck with everything in your life. I enjoy reading your blog so much, I linked you to mine. Hope to see you around sometime!

Jen said...

Karla -- To tell you the truth, I have been battling with my weight for the longest. It irks me that I can't get down to, say, 120 lbs. But I've come to accept that, because my bone structure and body frame is just not built to be a teeny tiny, mere 100lbs. Believe it or not, it's not just the whole "exercise/diet routine", it is also having an extremely positive outlook on your goal and just life in general. I've heard girls say before, when they have not lost ANY weight (actually...this has happened to me, too!)that people will say, "Hey, so & so, looking good. You lost some weight?" When in reality all it was was a bright smile, an upbeat attitude, and just natural confidence. The confidence will exude and weight won't matter. Sure eating healthy and working out is always the right way to go, but without confidence, you'd be on a doomed mission.

Desiree said...

Yo dog, whats poppin'?

kidding! Just wanted to say hi :)