Tuesday, May 10, 2005

When did this happen?????

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Could someone please tell me when this happened? When did our grandparents become so old?  Since when did the pillars of our family need canes to support themselfs?

Papa is 90 yrs old and he never looked like it until a few months ago. 

Why is that when you are younger you think your grandparents are immortal? They are never going to get sick much less die, but then you get older and someone shows you a picture like this and you wonder when did this happen? when did my inpiration and role models become so old? Since when did papa need a cane to get around? and since when does mama look like that?

All these questions run through your mind until you look at the picture again, closer this time and then you notice that they are all smiling. That's when it hits you they have lived a long and happy life. Yes they had their trials and tribulations but in the end they are still smiling.


Anonymous said...

Interesting post Karla...just the little things people take for granted and never seem to notice
: - )

Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

Yep, that's the key, just keep smiling! :)

Desiree said...

Everytime I look at that picture I love it a little more! Thats a great picture. They all look so happy.

Mari said...

Ahh yes, that is my goal in life. To be a happy little viejita with a can and a rocking chair, with my husband beside me and my great grandkids running around laughing and smiling.
That is a sign of good life indeed, Miss Karla.

CubanDiva said...

That is a great picture! I was thinking the same thing. I remember my grandmother driving like a bat out of hell on the freeway and now she drives so slow that is almost scarier than driving fast. It is amazing that it happens before you know it.