Tuesday, August 30, 2005

My eyes are not my own.

My eyes are not my own, they belong to someone else…

I few entry’s back I wrote about how I would love to go back and talk to my great-grandmother. At that time I never gave a reason why but now my great-grandmothers presence won’t leave me alone. It is like she wants me to explain it and to comply with her I will.

I would like to be able to talk to my great-grandmother because I would like to meet the women who I have been compared to my whole life. The woman I remind everyone of. The women who’s eyes I inherited.

While I might be the spitting image of my father’s mother my eyes belong to my great-grandmother. Although she died when I was 8. I never got a chance to know her. She lived in D.R. and I lived in New York.

That fact that we lived world apart did not stop people from comparing us. As long as I can remember people have been telling me that I have the same eyes. “ Those eyes” they use to tell me “ Those eyes belong to your great-grandmother.”

I use to ask my mami why people would tell me this for I did not understand. My great-grandmother had gray-blue eyes mines are green. Plus these eyes belonged to me how could they belong to her as well? My mami being the patient women she is would laugh and then explain to me that it was not the color of the eyes that matter but what my eyes would say. She would explain to me that my great-grandmother eyes did the same thing. “When people look at you it looks as if you are talking through your eyes. It is like you have seen this world before.” She would tell me “ Your great-grandmother use to do the same thing.” At the time I was way to young to understand what my mami was explaining to me. Now that I am older and reflecting on it I understand completely.

Over the years people have stopped telling me that my eyes belong to my great-grandmother. Pero every once in a while we will run across an old family friend or someone who knew my great-grandmother and those six words magically reappear.
“ Those eyes belong to your great-grandmother” and I feel like a little girl all over again.

Now when people tell me this they are also willing to share stories with me. My mami tells me stories of how I was Mama’s favorite because for a long time I was her only great-granddaughter with light eyes. How Mama at her old age would carry me around the house singing to me telling me stories or just sitting in a rocking chair with me. How mami and papi had to fight with her to let me go when it was time to leave. How she use to say that I was “ Her baby”

My great-grandmother is not the only family member with “light” eyes her husband (my great-grandfather) had blue eyes and my grandfather on my father’s side also has blue eyes but it is her that I am compared to the most. My eyes belong to her.

“ You two” mami use to say “ You two were such a sight and old fragile women with gray hair and gray-blue eyes holding a little baby girl with jet black hair and bright green eyes, There where times when I would walk by and see the two of you sitting there staring into space and it would stop me in my tracks. You looked like a painting just sitting there rocking back and forth looking at something that only the two of you could see.”

It is stories like these that stop me in my tracks. I love hearing them but at the same time a great sadness washes over me because I feel like I missed out on getting to know her, and yet it feels like I do know her. Some where in my memory those song and stories lay she shared them with me for a reason. At time I feel her near me and I stop and listen I so desperately want to remember her, want to remember what her voice sounds like but just like the wind she comes and goes as she pleases and I am left with nothing else but to sit and wait for the next time she chooses to visit me.

My eyes are not my own they belong to someone else, they belong to my ancestors.


Joanne said...

OMG, Karla, I loved loved this post! You know how I feel about my grandparents. They're the only grandparents I've known and I was just thinking about my grandmother that I've never known today. Your great-grandmother is right there with you showing you the way always. Be still and listen and embrace her love.

Karla said...

Joanne: Aww thank you. I know how you feel about your grandparents. I feel the same way about mines :)

I know that she is always with me showing me the way. It is just that i time i don't notice until it is to late and then she is gone and i am left to wonder what she wanted to tell me.

~^^~L*C~^^~ said...

Karla: I can relate to what you're feeling. I write about "las mujeres" in my stories, my great grandmother, tias, etc. People tell me that I have my great grandmother's face and figure. Especialy her face. I have an 8x10 photo of her w/ a big smile; this is what people notice about me.

It seems that your great grandmother is a form of a guardian angel to you, watching over you.

Have you ever heard that eyes are the windows to the souls?

I feel that you adn your great grandmother have a soul connection as well as the "blood" connection. That would definitely be a warming comforting feeling.

Caro said...


you're old.

you were 8 when mama fefa died?

i'm jealous.

that was a great post..i didnt know that about you and mama, too crazy cool for words.

she's there, no worries, she's there.

Karla said...

Elsie: Wow that is a beautiful way to think of it as a "soul connection". I like that. ;)

Irene: "I think the greatest things about our families is that they are reborn in us the same way we will someday be reborn in our own children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. " That was beautiful and soooooo true.

Tannia: Thank you.

Mon: Thank You.

Caro: LOL...shut up, yes i am old so what?....lol.

Yeah i was 8 when mama fefa died. She died a few months before mama's and papa's 50th.

Yeah, i know that story about Mama Fefa and Me is kinda of crazy. Pero i love it.

I know she is here, she always is.

Desiree said...

I loved this post too. Deep stuff. Good stuff.

Made me miss my grandmas...I am fortunate - I have one of my abuelas,and even my great grandmother visiting from Sinaloa right now. You made me realize I need to go visit her before she goes back.

Really loved this post :)

The Grouchy One said...

I definitely believe in angels/ancestors of guidance. This is a GREAT post Karla!

Karla said...

Desiree and Marissa: Thank You ladies.

SuzLue said...

OK Karla, between this awesome post, and Tannia, and Joanne, and Desiree, you all have really made me miss my Grandmother even more that usual. I think I'll go the the cemetary today and leave her some flower and a kiss on her grave.